The Canadian Home Economics Foundation is a registered charity and national foundation.

It is managed by a 16-member volunteer Board of Trustees, all home economists, located across Canada. The executive committee is located in Winnipeg.

Each year, several grants and awards are provided in the areas of home economics research, education, public service, and post-secondary education and training.

The Canadian Home Economics Foundation receives no funding from governments or United Way to support the grants and awards given. Funds come primarily from individuals. Since 1980, home economists and others who support the work done by home economists have made financial contributions to the Canadian Home Economics Foundation.

In addition to general donations, the Foundation receives special gifts each year from individuals and associations to honour colleagues, friends, family and others who have made a contribution to their lives or to the profession.

We look forward to hearing from you – with your grant applications or queries, with comments, with questions, and with your financial support.

Be sure to check back to this site, as we continue to add information to it.


Donna L. Bulow, PHEc, BEd,
Chair, Board of Trustees

help us improve the life of others

When you choose to donate to Canadian Home Economics Foundation you're growing the next generation of home economics researchers and professionals